22/1, Naberezhnaya Str., Tambov +7 (4752) 63-64-68
Тамбовская область
A stroll along the streets of the night town is truly romantic. In the evening you won’t notice the dust and flaws of some buildings. Thanks to projectors, street lamps and millions of other lights illuminating the town, advertising posters and banners retreat to the background. Fewer people are seen in the streets and the night pace of life seems much more appropriate for sightseeing and enjoyable walks.   

The night Tambov is ornate. Originally meant as a fortress, it lost its intended function but continued living and developing. Buildings built in the past are now culturally and historically valuable. The former district town kept growing more and more beautiful. The town is richly-decorated with lights illuminating the beauty of the old buildings and highlighting particular dominant structures. The streets of the night Tambov are full of soft warm light produced by the street lamps and even the murmur of the town fountains becomes quieter in order not to disturb the twilight peace. Paved streets reflect the light of the street lamps.   

In the gathering dusk the evening town strikes your imagination and gets transformed. Looking regular during the day-time streets are unrecognizable in the evening. The parks turn into a dark forest and the river hits smoothly against its banks. Here you can totally forget about the fact that you are actually in the center of the urban area.

A wonderful addition to this beautiful walk would be a visit to a cozy café in Tambov Arbat or a boat trip along the main town attractions to keep this romantic night in memory.